Elements of communication

4 min readFeb 13, 2022


As you already got familiar from what is communication and what are its level from my last article now let me share some information about the elements of communication.

There are 4 major elements of communication process.


Sender/source can be any person group, organisation or anything that can initiate a message. Several things determine how effectively a source or a sender can operate in the communication process. It includes knowledge, Communication skills, attitude and socio-cultural environment.


The message is the actual information that is to be send from sender to receiver. The sender need to consider several factors before finalising the message. It includes message code, message content and message treatment for better understanding of the receiver.

Message code is the symbol or group of symbols that can be structured in a way that is meaningful to the receiver.

Message content is the material in the message that was selected by the centre for achieving his purpose.

Message treatment is the style in selecting and arranging both the code and content for making clear and understandable communication. The appropriateness between the message code and the message content will lead to an effective communication.


Channel is the carrier of coded message. It is the connecting link between the centre and receiver. It can also be a medium, method, way or anything by which the message is transferred to the target audience. Basically the sense of hearing, seeing, touching, tasting and smelling are the gateways through which the transfer of information take place. But different aids used for facilitating process of seeing hearing, touching are also considered the path of channels channel.


Receive is the final link in the process of communication to whom the message is to be communicated. Receiver is also known as audience or decoder. The whole communication process circles around the receiver if the message is not conveyed to the receiver or he does not understand the message the whole communication process become null or purposeless.

There are four factors that affect the efficiency of receiver in a communication process.

Knowledge level of receiver:

Communication process become successful if the message given matches the knowledge level of receiver information given below or above the knowledge level of receiver mostly causes failure of communication process.

Communication skills:

Good listening and reading ability of receiver enhance the communication process.

Attitude of receiver:

Positive attitude of receiver about the centre the message the channel and himself is helpful in the process of effectiveness communication.

Socio-cultural environment:

If the social system and customary mode of receiver favours the message, communication process has more chances of success.


The response of the receiver is known as it feedback of the receiver. Besides the sender being active and conscious of the needs of the audience, the audience must also be active and responsive to the message for a successful communication to occur.

Good message result positive feedback. Feedback help the sender to evaluate his message.




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